Our Referral And Commission System


Setting Your Commission

  • If you want to incentivize referrals by giving a commission to someone for selling your NFT, you can do this by setting the “Add Share For Referrals (%)” when selling your NFT.
SwapDEX Wallet
  • For a walkthrough on how to sell an NFT, you can go to our selling NFTs walkthrough page here.


Setting Up Your Referral Wallet

  1. Expand the SwapDEX NFT marketplace, on the left side menu of the SwapDEX Dashboard App and select “Referrals”.

  2. Choose the wallet you want to register for referrals and select “register for referrals”.

  3. Choose the percentage you would like to give as a cashback to your buyer as an incentive.

    • Note: The percentage you set is basically a discount of what the seller is giving to you as the referrer to your customers. So, if a seller has a 20% referral percentage, you would set your wallet's referral percentage at 50% to split the commission and give 10% off as cashback when the buyer purchases an NFT through your link.
SwapDEX Wallet
  1. Select “Register”.

Advertising Your Referred NFT

  • When in the NFT marketplace, there will be an option to ‘share’ an NFT. This is located to the left of “Buy NFT”.
SwapDEX Wallet
  • When selected, you will be prompted with multiple options.
SwapDEX Wallet
  • Select the option you would like to use to create a shareable link that will automatically reference your wallet ID, then share wherever you would like to advertise, your own site, Facebook, a blog, and so on.

Claiming Your Referral Rewards

  1. Expand the SwapDEX NFT marketplace, on the left side menu of the SwapDEX Dashboard App and select “Referrals”.

  2. On the right, there will be an option to claim your referrals.